domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

Montreal debe esperar

Hoy he recibido un mensaje de estos señores y, ná, que no me voy a montreal. Jordi, como me pediste he subido el logo perdedor...sniff...

Many thanks for entering the Hugo Award Logo Design Contest. Our judges have selected a winner and I regret to inform you that your
entry was not selected. The winning logo design will be announced at this year's Hugo Awards ceremony on the evening of August 9, 2009, in Montreal. We expect to display the new logo on the Hugo Awards web site shortly thereafter.

There has been some confusion regarding rights to the unsuccessful designs. "Hugo Award" and the specific design of the Hugo rocket are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society. Because we asked for logos that contained both of these elements the logos as they stand are not much use to anyone except us. However, if you remove the words "Hugo Award" and remove, or change the shape of, the rocket then
you are left with your own artwork over which we have no claim.

We thank you for entering the contest. We received 390 entries from 24 countries, and the judges expressed their appreciation for all of the work everyone put in on their designs.

Kevin Standlee
Hugo Awards Marketing Committee

2 comentarios:

  1. Home doncs Àlvar, el cohet en si mateix està molt bé, el problema (veu d'expert) és l'integració amb la lluma. Les dues puntes de la lluna creen un efecte òptic molt estrany i el pes visual es desplaça cap a la dreta, fent ballar el logo.

    Crec que haurua quedat millor amb el seu negatiu, el blanc convertit en planeta i la lluna fora.

    Però vaja, molt digne.
